
CBD Oil vs. CBD Capsules: Which One Is Right for You?

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CBD Oil vs. CBD Capsules: Which One Is Right for You?

You’re probably familiar with the wonders of CBD but find yourself stuck between CBD oil and CBD capsules, you’re not alone. Choosing between the two can be a real head-scratcher. But before you stress, let’s break down what each does best and how to pick the right one for you. Let’s get into it!


CBD Oil vs CBD Capsules

CBD oil and CBD capsules are two different forms of consuming cannabidiol (CBD), a compound derived from the Cannabis Sativa plant. Here’s a comparison of CBD oil and CBD capsules:


CBD Oil vs CBD Capsules


CBD Oil:

  1. Concentrated form of cannabidiol, typically consumed by placing drops under the tongue or applying topically.
  2. Quick absorption and easily customizable dosages.
  3. Versatile supplement with various health benefits, including reducing exercise-related discomfort and promoting relaxation.
  4. Interacts with the endocannabinoid system in the human body.
  5. THC-free, meaning it does not induce a psychoactive ‘high’ effect.


CBD Capsules


CBD Capsules:

  1. Ingestible form of CBD oil, enclosed in a pill with a pre-measured dose.
  2. Convenient and easy to incorporate into daily wellness routines.
  3. Similar to taking a daily multivitamin, capsules offer a discreet and straightforward method of consuming CBD.
  4. No need to measure doses or prepare anything; just swallow the capsule with water like any other supplement or medication.
  5. Ideal for travelers as they are mess-free and not subject to volume restrictions.


In summary, CBD oil offers quick absorption and versatility, allowing for customized dosages and various applications. On the other hand, CBD capsules provide a convenient and pre-measured way to consume CBD, making them perfect for individuals with busy lifestyles or those on the go. Both CBD oil and capsules are non-psychoactive, ensuring they don’t induce a ‘high’ effect.


CBD Oil vs. CBD Capsules: The Differences

CBD Capsules & CBD Oil tincture


1. Source

CBD oil originates primarily from hemp, prized for its high CBD and low THC levels. The quality of the soil and growing methods directly impact the purity of the oil. Others use full-spectrum CBD oil, maintaining other cannabinoids and terpenes for a more holistic effect.

On the other hand, CBD capsules contain CBD oil but sometimes include additional ingredients for specific benefits. Some capsules use CBD isolate, which is pure CBD extracted from the plant and free from other compounds.


2. Form

While CBD oil is a liquid that you can take sublingually (under the tongue) or add to your food, CBD capsules or soft gels have a pre-measured amount of CBD encased in a digestible shell.

Let’s contrast: CBD oil can offer faster absorption because it bypasses the digestive system. Its dosage can be easily adjusted as per your needs. However, CBD capsules take longer to kick in as they must pass through the digestive system first. But the upside? You get a consistent dose each time and they’re discrete and convenient for on-the-go use.



3. Bioavailability

Bioavailability refers to the rate and extent to which a substance, such as CBD, is absorbed into the body’s circulatory system. It is a crucial factor in determining the efficacy of CBD products.

CBD oil, applied directly under the tongue, enters the bloodstream rapidly through the sublingual gland, hence offering higher bioavailability. This quick absorption results in the user feeling the effects faster.

Conversely, CBD capsules, when ingested orally, take a longer pathway through the digestive system before reaching the bloodstream, resulting in lower bioavailability and longer onset of effects.


CBD oil, cannabis plant


4. Potency

CBD oil, particularly in softgel form, tends to have higher potency. The airtight seal allows manufacturers to concentrate more CBD in the extracted oil, ensuring a higher potency product.

On the other hand, CBD capsules typically have lower bioavailability but offer consistent dosages and easy integration into your wellness routine.

Regardless of your choice between CBD oil or capsules, understanding potency and its impact on your usage is key to optimizing your CBD experience.


5. Cost

Generally, a regular CBD oil bottle costs around $49.00. On the other hand, the price of CBD capsules may vary based on the count in a single pack.


Several factors influence these costs:

  1. Potency: Higher potency products typically cost more.
  2. Dosage control: Oils offer flexibility in dosages, which might affect their price.
  3. Convenience: Capsules are travel-friendly and easy-to-use, which could justify a higher price.



Base Cost

Influencing Factors



Potency, Dosage control

CBD Capsules


Convenience, Potency


6. Benefits

CBD oil in a tincture bottle


Understanding the benefits of CBD, whether in oil or capsule form, can help you make informed decisions about your wellness routine. CBD Oil offers:

  1. Higher bioavailability meaning it enters your system faster
  2. Effects felt in approximately 15 minutes
  3. Versatility in usage and control over dosage


On the contrary, CBD Capsules provide:

  1. Consistent CBD dosages for easy tracking
  2. Easier integration into your wellness routine
  3. Although the effects are felt after 45 mins to 2 hours, they offer a lower bioavailability, which can be beneficial in maintaining longer lasting effects


7. Side Effects

You may experience side effects when using CBD products like CBD Oil and CBD Capsules. These effects can include changes in mood, drowsiness, diarrhea, and changes in appetite. The potency and frequency of these side effects can differ between oil and capsules.

  1. CBD Oil: Higher bioavailability with effects felt in approximately 15 minutes. However, when consumed excessively, it can interfere with other medications and potentially affect liver health.
  2. CBD Capsules: Lower bioavailability but provide consistent dosages, with effects felt after 45 minutes to 2 hours. These are easily integrated into a routine but might lead to changes in appetite.


Expert tips to manage side effects include controlling your dosage, choosing products from reputable companies, and consulting your healthcare provider. Keep aware that these products interact differently with every individual.


8. Routine

CBD oil and capsules, while both effective, present unique differences in terms of usage and routine. The form you choose might eventually boil down to your lifestyle and convenience.

CBD oil is typically administered under the tongue using a dropper, and its effects can be felt quickly due to rapid absorption. However, it may require more precise dosing, an aspect some may find inconvenient.

On the other hand, CBD capsules are easier to incorporate into a daily routine and come pre-measured, negating the need for guesswork in dosing. They do take longer to kick in as they need to pass through the digestive system first.


9. Supplements

CBD supplements


CBD supplements come in various forms, with CBD oil and CBD capsules being the prominent ones. These two have unique features and uses, each offering benefits that cater to individual preferences and needs.

CBD oil boasts flexible dosing and variety in flavors. However, its taste might not appeal to everyone, and measuring the exact dosage can be tricky. On the other hand, CBD capsules promise convenience and precision in dosage, and are tasteless, making them ideal for those with flavor sensitivities. Yet, their potency may not match CBD oil.

When choosing, consider your need for potency, dosage control, and whether you have any flavor preferences. Don’t forget to consult your doctor before starting any new supplement.



CBD Oil and CBD Capsules

CBD Oil and CBD Capsules


1. Follow the recommended dosage

When exploring the benefits of CBD oil and capsules, it’s crucial to follow the recommended dosage guidelines. Taking the right dose not only ensures the products’ effectiveness but also protects overall health and wellbeing. Remember, your body’s response to CBD is unique, so personal experience plays a major part in finding the right dosage.


Determining the Dosage:

If you’re new to CBD, start with a low dosage and gradually increase it over time if necessary. For example, begin with 2 – 4 drops of 200 mg oil or one capsule per day. Monitor how you feel each day, and adjust over time to find your ideal dosage. It’s recommended not to exceed a daily dose of 70mg of CBD, as advised by the Food Standards Agency (FSA), unless a healthcare professional recommends differently.


Following the Dosage:

With CBD oil, use the dropper for dosage measurement. However, note that it’s challenging to achieve exact accuracy with the dropper. On the other hand, CBD capsules offer a more controlled dosage as each capsule contains a precise amount of CBD. Hence, many prefer capsules for consistency in dosage.


Expert Tips:

  1. Always consult your doctor before starting any CBD regimen to ensure it doesn’t interfere with any existing medications.
  2. Keep track of your daily intake to avoid overdosing, especially when mixing different products.
  3. Maintain a consistent routine for at least 30 days before adjusting serving sizes or adding another CBD product.
  4. If you’re sensitive to flavors, capsules would be a better choice as they are flavor-free.


2. Consider the CBD Content and Potency of the Supplement

Choosing between CBD oil and CBD capsules is a critical decision that hinges on content and potency factors. Your wellness goals and needs should guide your choice.

CBD oil allows for adjustable servings, providing you the control over the potency per intake. This flexibility can be great if your CBD requirements fluctify. CBD capsules, on the other hand, come pre-measured, ensuring consistent dosage. These are easier to use and highly convenient, making them a great fit for a steady routine.


3. Consider Your Medical Needs

Choosing the right CBD product for you primarily depends on your individual medical needs and lifestyle. It’s essential to consider factors such as dosage control, ease of use, and other personal preferences.

If you have specific dosage requirements, oils could be a more suitable choice as they allow for flexibility in dosage. Oils are generally used sublingually and can work seamlessly into your routine. Conversely, if portability and convenience are of priority, and you don’t prefer customizing your dosage, capsules might be the better option.

Remember, always consult your healthcare provider before starting any CBD product, ensuring the product won’t interfere with any ongoing medications. It’s also recommended to maintain consistent use for at least 30 days before making any alterations.


CBD Oil and CBD Capsules: CBD Content

CBD Oil and CBD Capsules, softgel


1. CBD Oil contains more CBD than CBD Capsules

Both CBD oil and CBD capsules offer unique ways to ingest your CBD, but they differ in their CBD content. Generally, CBD oil has higher CBD content than CBD capsules.

The increased CBD content in oils can be attributed to its form of administration. They’re primarily taken sublingually (under the tongue), ensuring a direct path for CBD into the bloodstream, maximizing absorption. Capsules, however, go through the digestive system, and hence, may contain less CBD to compensate for the potential loss during digestion. For instance, a dropper of CBD oil might provide 20mg of CBD, while a single capsule could offer around 10 to 15mg.


2. CBD Oil is more potent than CBD Capsules

CBD oil and CBD capsules are popular mediums for consuming CBD, a non-psychoactive compound with many potential health benefits. Despite their similarity, it’s important to understand the potency differences between the two. CBD oil has a higher bioavailability compared to CBD capsules, meaning a higher percentage of CBD enters the bloodstream, enhancing its effects. Conversely, capsules undergo the digestive process, resulting in potency loss before entering the bloodstream. Although a 10 mg dose from both CBD oil and capsules should theoretically yield the same effects, the superior absorption rate of CBD oil actually increases its effectiveness. Therefore, despite similarities in CBD content, CBD oil offers greater potency.


3. CBD Oil can be taken orally or topically

CBD oil contains a substantial concentration of cannabidiol, a compound revered for its health benefits. Its administration options are versatile, making it easily adaptable to your needs. You can consume this oil orally by placing drops under your tongue, allowing the CBD to be quickly absorbed into your bloodstream. Alternatively, apply it topically to the skin for a targeted approach. Experts recommend starting with a modest dosage then adjusting based on individual responses. Always consult with a healthcare professional to find the optimal method and dose for you. Remember, when it comes to CBD oil, effectiveness often lies in personalization and patience.


CBD Oil vs CBD Capsules: Pros and Cons




CBD oil, commonly referred to as CBD drops, is a high-quality cannabis extract suspended in a carrier oil to enhance absorption in the body. It offers a versatile method for consuming CBD and helping to address various ailments.


Advantages of CBD Oil:

  1. It provides a wide variety of potencies, sizes, formulations, and flavors to cater to individual preferences.
  2. It uses a dropper for exact dosage measurement, enhancing precision.
  3. Its bioavailability is higher than capsules, increasing the amount of CBD delivered to your system.
  4. It’s relatively easy to use, even for beginners.
  5. Sublingual use facilitates quick absorption, delivering faster results.


Disadvantages of CBD Oil:

  1. Its strong earthy flavor might be off-putting if not masked with food or flavorings.
  2. Despite being contained in a dropper bottle, some leakage may occur during travel.
  3. Consumption isn’t as discreet as with capsules – the dropper might attract unwanted attention in public.
  4. The absorption rate might decrease when mixed with food.
  5. Those sensitive to texture might find the oil’s thickness unpleasant.


CBD Capsules

CBD softgel capsule


CBD capsules, made from the same compound as CBD oil — cannabidiol, offer a convenient alternative to traditional oil droppers. However, like any supplement, CBD capsules have both benefits and shortcomings that should be considered.


Pros of using CBD capsules:

  1. They are uncomplicated to take, fitting easily into existing supplement routines.
  2. Dosing is straightforward due to the premeasured amount of CBD each capsule contains.
  3. Ideal for traveling, they pose no risk of leakage.
  4. They offer a discrete method of consumption.
  5. Lack of flavor and odor make them preferable for those disliking CBD oil’s taste.


Cons of using CBD capsules:

  1. They have lower bioavailability than oils.
  2. Fewer products, in terms of formulations and potency, are available.
  3. The fixed dose can be problematic for non-standard dosage users.
  4. They take longer to work due to digestion requirement.
  5. Some potency is lost on their pathway to the bloodstream.



Choose Leaf Alleviate for Your CBD Needs

At Leaf Alleviate, we take pride in providing you with the most comprehensive and trustworthy information to guide your decisions. Whether you prefer CBD oil, tincture, capsules, or skincare products, there’s a large variety of quality CBD products to choose from in our store. Start your journey towards better health today with us. Shop now.




Q: What is the best form of taking CBD?

The best form of taking CBD, be it CBD oil or CBD capsules, largely depends on a person’s individual needs and preferences. For those seeking the highest bioavailability, meaning the most amount of CBD readily absorbed by the body, CBD oil is the best choice. This form allows the CBD to be absorbed directly through the digestive system when taken orally, maximizing its interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system. On the other hand, CBD capsules are the go-to option for those who may dislike the taste of CBD oil and desire a more convenient and easy-to-use method.

Q: Are CBD oil capsules better than softgels?

The choice between CBD oil capsules and softgels depends largely on individual preferences. Both have their distinct advantages. CBD oil capsules tend to be high in nutritional fiber and can assist with digestion, making them an excellent starting point for CBD beginners. On the other hand, CBD softgels are generally smaller, easier to take, and tend to stay fresh for a longer period. They allow for easier concentration of CBD, which some users might find beneficial. Ultimately, the best choice would depend on factors like ease of consumption, dosage requirements, lifestyle, and whether users prefer higher fiber content or more concentrated CBD.

Q: Is it better to take CBD oil or pills?

CBD oil provides versatility and can be taken in different ways: orally as a drop or spray or applied topically. Some users find that CBD oil has a more immediate effect as it is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through oral tissues. On the other hand, CBD capsules offer convenient, pre-measured dosages and are reported to have longer-lasting effects as they are absorbed through the digestive system.


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